Since this is the first "This Week in Plugins" (TWiP), I'm trying a fairly basic format out. I'm debating how much information I want to include in these, while I would like to include details on "what's changed" for each plugin over the course of the week, the means of fetching that information would be incredibly tedious (read: no fun) since there's not particularly any standard meta-data to be scraped from the wiki. Duplicates have been pruned from the list, meaning the latest release of a plugin is what's being shown; sorting is also by day of release then alphabetical.
- Feb 4th, 2010
- Feb 5th, 2010
- Feb 6th, 2010
- Feb 7th, 2010
- Feb 8th, 2010
- Feb 9th, 2010
- Feb 10th, 2010
- Batch task plugin 1.13 released
- disk-usage plugin 0.10 released
- JBoss Management Plugin 1.0 released
- Sidebar Link 1.3 released
- slave-status 1.4 released
- SLOCCount Plug-in 1.4 released
- StarTeam plugin 0.2 released
- Template Project plugin 1.1 released
- TuxDroid Plugin 1.6 released
- Zentimestamp plugin 1.2 released
- Feb 11th, 2010