The 1.362 release of Hudson has a few bug-fixes and a few minor enhancements, all together a good stabilization release. Not too much interesting to discuss so straight on to the changelog!


<ul class=image> <li class=bug> Restored optional container-based authentication for CLI. (issue 6587) <li class=bug> Fix javascript error when a plugin uses an empty dropdownList, resulting in LOADING overlay being left up. (issue 6542) </ul>


    <li class=rfe> Add setting so job views may show only enabled or disabled jobs. (issue 6673) <li class=rfe> File parameters can now be downloaded from the build Parameters page. (issue 6719) <li class=rfe> Added an ability to point to different update sites. <li class=rfe> Added a new extension point to plug in custom utility to kill processes. <li class=rfe> Added a proactive error diagnostics to look for a broken reverse proxy setup. (report)

You can go grab the latest .war file straight from our OSL mirror or if you're using a native package, use your package manager to upgrade.

Image courtesy of Hudson's Grill

About the Author
R. Tyler Croy

R. Tyler Croy has been part of the Jenkins project for the past seven years. While avoiding contributing any Java code, Tyler is involved in many of the other aspects of the project which keep it running, such as this website, infrastructure, governance, etc.