The folks over at LMT Software just released their HudsonMobi 2.0 to the Android market. This release of HudsonMobi brings a lot of the features to Android that iPhone/iPad users of HudsonMobi have enjoyed for some time.

Features unleashed to Android users in this revision of the app are:
- Full Android user-experience with Menu and back controls
- Embedded artifact viewer! For archived build artifacts that are text-based, you can view them directly on your handset.
- Access to the build history and changes for a job.
- Quick and easy access to a job's last build\
- Restyled and updated user-experience, making HudsonMobi "feel better" on an Android device
If you want to get HudsonMobi for free from the Android Market, whip our your phone and take a picture of its QR code: