The usual suspects, such as CloudBees, XebiaLabs, SOASTA, PuppetLabs, et al are doing a Jenkins-themed continuous delivery event series called "cdSummit." The event is free, has a nice mix of user/vendor talks, and has an appeal to managers and team leads who are working on and struggling with continuous delivery and automation.

I've spoken in the past events, and I enjoyed the high-level pitches from various speakers.
The last two events at Paris and London filled up completely, so I suspect others have liked them, too.

If you live near Chicago, Washington DC, or San Francisco, check out the date and see if you can make it. RSVP is from here. If you do, be sure to pick up Jenkins stickers and pin badges!

About the Author
Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Kohsuke is the creator of Jenkins.