I would like to write about two last Jenkins Meetups in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Meetup #3. Jenkins Administration (May 20, 2016)
In May we had a meetup about Jenkins administration techniques. At this meetup we were talking about common Jenkins ecosystem components like custom update centers, tool repositories and generic jobs.
Kirill Merkushev, Yandex, "Juseppe. A custom Update Center for Jenkins"
Presentation (rus)
Keywords: Juseppe
Anna Muravieva, EMC, "Generic jobs in Jenkins. How to build anything?"
Presentation (rus)
Keywords: Generic Builds, Scripted Build Wrappers
Oleg Nenashev, CloudBees, "Building Jenkins Tool infrastructures with help of Custom Tools Plugin and Docker"
Presentation (rus)
Keywords: Custom Tools Plugin, Extra Tool Installers Plugin, Docker
Meetup #4. IT Global Meetup (July 23, 2016)
In Saint Petersburg there is a regular gathering of local IT communities. This IT Global Meetup is a full-day event, which provides an opportunity to dozens of communities and hundreds of visitors to meet at a single place.
On July 23rd our local Jenkins community participated in the eight’s global meetup. We conduced 2 talks in main tracks and also had a round table in the evening.
Oleg Nenashev, CloudBees, "About Jenkins 2 and future plans"
Oleg provided a top-level overview about changes in Jenkins, shared insights about upgrading to the new Jenkins 2.7.1 LTS and talked about Jenkins plans
Presentation (rus)
Aleksandr Tarasov, Alfa-Laboratory, "Continuous Delivery with Jenkins: Lessons learned"
Aleksandr summarized AlfaLab’s experience of Jenkins usage for Continuous Delivery in their environment. He talked about the flow based on Jenkins Pipeline, JobDSL and BlueOcean prototype.
Presentation (rus)
After the talks we had a roundtable about Jenkins (~10 Jenkins experts). Oleg provided an overview of Docker and Configuration-as-Code features available in Jenkins, and then we talked about common use-cases in Jenkins installations. We hope to finally organize a "Jenkins & Docker" meetup at some point.
If you have any questions, all speakers can be contacted via Jenkins RU Gitter Chat.
St. Petersburg Meetup page (follow the events here)
The events have been organized with help from CloudBees, EMC and organizers of the St. Petersburg IT Global Meetup.